
Educating with Information and Technology


Friday, February 23, 2018

What are caches memory. Does cache have any effect on usage of RAM? Can we delete it without getting some issues in functioning of mobile.

What are caches memory ?

Cache memory, also called CPU memory. It is the part of random access memory. Cache store some data of any app pr software. When any app loads or any software going to load. CPU searches the loading data at first on cache memory. When it find out on cache it doesn't check on the Random access memory. 

Image Credit : Pixabay

In the case of mobile (RAM in smartphones)

RAM is faster memory than permanent storage which is SD card, internal storage and external storage. When your processor finds data, it is more faster to retrieve data from your RAM rather than to load it from your permanent storage. And it takes more time. Also it is less effect on the battery of phone when CPU retrieves data from RAM. The RAM works quite different on android phones than PC. Which most of us basic users are better known with it. The Apps after download and install, first loaded in the RAM and then executed. Those Apps in the RAM you are no longer using them and they have been shifted to background. For increase storage and faster transition. The next time use of those apps they will be available for fast retrieval from RAM. The Apps that you use most frequently with continuous usage get placed on the RAM that is if you have enough RAM.

Does cache have any effect on usage of RAM? Can we delete it without getting some issues in functioning of mobile?

 As i told before if CPU don't find out data on cache it reloads the app again and again. It needs time, take more space or storage. And it really effect on RAM. So don't clear cache memory. If this app or data is useful to you.

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