
Educating with Information and Technology


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Are Robots Really Helping People | How Robots Are Doing Our Future Damage |

Robot's functionality:

Nowadays, many robots are being built based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Now all the work is almost done by robot, all the hard work of the people. It takes a lot of time to manage by people but robots can done this in a minute, or in a sec. For them there are many revolutions are happening around the world. Robots are doing that things, which people can't do.
Everything came exactly right, but there are some fears about robot in peoples mind.

Image credit: VideoBlocks


  • If ever robot be more intelligent than humans. The robot's order will run on the people. Then human will lose control over the robots.
  • If all the work is done by robot, So what will people do? If all companies done thair works with robots in the place of people, then people will not get jobs. Unemployment will increase. 
Image credit: Natural News

  • One practical example is: UBER car drivers are afraid of one thing, that is automated cars. Which is driven by robots. If robots drive cars, what will people do? 
  • [ Some crimes will be decrease, but unfortunately loss will happen to humans. ]
  • Acquire knowledge and skills and to apply them, can be subdivided by four parts, which is: Problem Solving Ability, Behavioral Spec, Morality and Emotion. These four quality is symptoms of intelligence. 
  • If Robots are built based on artificial intelligence which is the king of remarkable behaviour and cognitive intelligence. 2 properties are already present on AI based robots. In last two case, some robots have emotional intelligence. They can't feel this emotions but understand it.  
  • In case moral intelligence, Robot is still not able to understand Moral Intelligent. That means they have not yet been given the power to understand it.
  • Technology is improving at such speed, we can not keep pace with them. For which we're going to get nervous.

Do not be afraid, we have to know more, have to read more. We have to move forward with technology. And we have to give best.
We have to keep our hopes, have to do more works in future and have to increase our work skills.

Thanks For Reading.
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