
Educating with Information and Technology


Saturday, March 03, 2018

What is Artificial Intelligence or AI | Why AI Is Important | Why Artificial Intelligence Is Future.

Introduction : Artificial Intelligence (AI) is generally referred to the intelligence demonstrated or exhibited by any machine, as compared to the Natural Intelligence (NI) exhibited by humans and other animals.

Image Credit : Pixabay

Why Artificial Intelligence Is Important?
Artificial Intelligence became an integral part of our lives. In day to day life, we are starting to use AI in different forms, which thus making our lives much easier. Ai, being a technology, helping to reduce human efforts. Today our lives are well shaped by AI as it's use in day-to-day life is increasing gradually. In different industries today, there are wide varieties of places, where works are done by the aid of AI.
AI provides accurate results and values even with the extensively huge calculations with immense complexities within a fraction of seconds, which is generally not possible for a human being to do so.
Today AI is thoroughly used in Medical Sciences. They are used in complex researches and analysis. They are making things easier and aslo time saving. AI is aslo used for providing virtual health care assistance to patients and aslo used for scheduling purposes and that is 24 hours around the clock.
Ai is also used for Financial Assistance in Banks. There are many instances where AI is used in these sectors. They are used for Financial operations, Stock market operations, automated calculations of financial matters with relevance, etc., thus providing a quick and faster helping hand to the customers.
Like the instances mentioned above, AI is also used in Transport Systems eg. Air Transport, aslo used in Industrial Functioning and control, be it small or large, AI is also used in Engineering, General and scientific Research and Analysis, Scientific Calculations and future based calculations such as weather analysis etc.
All these things mentioned, could not be possible without the aid of AI.

Image Credit : Pixabay

Why Artificial Intelligence Is The Future?

Climate Change Predictions: As mentioned before, AI is there for us, for making our lives easier and free from work load. Not only this, AI is actually the Future of Science and Technology, Economic Development, Medical Sciences, etc. There are many uses of AI, even right now, that suggests that AI is Future.
As already discussed, AI is used in Future Climatic Predictions and Analysis. In today world, there are multiple instances where sudden changes in climatic conditions affected Human Lives at greater extent, for eg. Earthquakes, Cyclones, Tsunamis, Floods etc. These mainly happened due to the failure of proper climatic predictions. But with the aid of AI, it is possible in real time to predict, calculate, and analyse climatic changes and variations.

Vehicle Automation (or Self Driving Cars) : We all may have already heard about Driverless Car or Self Driving Cars or Automated Cars. This concept is gathering around us for a few years, which is based fully on Artificial Intelligence. Google has already tested Self driving cars in 2012. The US Transportation Department has released definitions of different levels of automation back then. AI based automation of different types of vehicles is not so far from now, that we will be seeing automated buses, trains, cars etc. that would be fully operated and controlled by Artificial Intelligence.
Apart from these above mentioned topics, there are numerous other future based projects that AI is going to dominate to make our lives much easier and effort free.
For eg. Digital Virtual Assistants that can directly interact with users and can help save time and resources for Human beings.
AI can be used in Military Applications, Cognitive Thinking, Cyborg(Cyber Organism) Technology, i.e. Transformation of organic Human body to a combination of Organic and Artificial mechanical parts in the sense of increasing natural Human abilities.

Image Credit : Pixabay

There are several projects going on based on Artificial Intelligence such as Google DeepMind, that learns emotions, thinking etc. day by day acquiring highest possible Intelligence.
Moreover, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Data mining, Data Science, etc. finds extensive applications of Artificial Intelligence.
There are other multiple instances that clearly visualize that Artificial Intelligence is going to take more integral place in our lives than what it is right now. One day we may find AI is dominating that is being utilised in majority aspects to make Human Life much easier simpler and more effort free. But there is also a drawback of AI if not maintained, regulated or controlled in proper way and that drawback might be easily denoted by The Terminator type thing. But this is far future, this may not even happen ever, whatsoever but it is not going to happen anytime soon. But the main thing is that Artificial Intelligence, is properly maintained and regulated, will so much useful and helpful, not only for today but also in distant future, that we might not even think about. And there are many instances even right now that signifies that one. These are, as already mentioned, Self Driving Cars, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Data Science etc.

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