
Educating with Information and Technology


Thursday, March 15, 2018

| Google CEO Larry Page Developing A Self Driving Air-Taxi In New Zealand |

Google CEO Larry Page Developing A Self Driving Air-Taxi In New Zealand

Google co-founder and CEO Larry Page unveiled a Self Driving Air-Taxi  after several days of research. Named Cora, which is an electric aircraft. It runs through the electric charge and driven by drones. Cora can fly 100 km (62 miles) on a single charger. Peoples can operate Cora by "self flying software combined with human oversight".  It will be also available for customer's service, Cora is developed from parent company Kitty Walk in New Zealand. The research will end next 4-5 years and Air-Taxi will run  soon. Kitty walk told in the research time two sits are available for passengers.
The main advantage is it does not need any runway to land and can take off vertically. New Zealand government welcomed this project progression of future technology.

Image Credit: BBC News

After eight years of experiment this Air-Taxi build up by Kitty Hawk which is a California based company.

See what they told about this-

It rises like a helicopter and lands vertically. Means it doesn't need any runway. Peoples can operate Cora by self-flying software, that's why pilot training is not required. They told that, thay want to available this service at very cheap price.

Another company  Ride-sharing giant Uber is also working on self flying Air-Taxi, on thair own way. Now this company is waiting for approval.

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